Federal Control Units Statistics
People in long-term isolation in Federal: 10747
Percent of prisoners in isolation in Federal: 7%
Very Complete Good Incomplete
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Statewide Data
Year Isolation Pop. Total Pop. Method Source
Active 2014 10747 32767 Counted Federal Bureau of Prisons: Special Housing Unit Review and Assessment , http://www.bop.gov/resources/news/pdfs/CNA-SHUReportFinal_123014_2.pdf
Historical 2013 11533 32767 Counted Federal Bureau of Prisons: Special Housing Unit Review and Assessment , http://www.bop.gov/resources/news/pdfs/CNA-SHUReportFinal_123014_2.pdf
2012 12638 32767 Counted Federal Bureau of Prisons: Special Housing Unit Review and Assessment , http://www.bop.gov/resources/news/pdfs/CNA-SHUReportFinal_123014_2.pdf
2011 14942 32767 Counted Federal Bureau of Prisons: Special Housing Unit Review and Assessment , http://www.bop.gov/resources/news/pdfs/CNA-SHUReportFinal_123014_2.pdf
Control Unit Populations by Nationality

Leavenworth Detention Center

*Estimated in 2014

US Penitentiary Marion

*Counted in 2009

US Penitentiary Terra Haute

*Counted in 2007

US Penitentiary Victorville

*Estimated in 2017

US Facilities with Control Units

Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
Devens Federal Prison Camp 2009 ? 114 ? ? SHU 978-796-1000
Federal Correctional Complex Coleman Medium 2009 95c 1744 ? ? Security Housing Unit
Federal Correctional Complex Coleman USP II 2008 ? 1598 ? ? SHU 352-689-7000
Federal Correctional Complex Coleman USP-1 2008 ? 1554 ? ? SHU 352-689-6000
Federal Correctional Complex Forrest City 2008 ? 1960 ? ? SHU 870-494-4200
Federal Correctional Institution - Leavenworth 2008 ? 1674 ? ? SHU 913-682-8700
Federal Correctional Institution Allenwood 2009 140c 1155 ? ? Security Housing Unit
Federal Correctional Institution Beaumont Medium 2008 ? 1772 ? ? SHU?? (409)?727-0101
Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
Federal Correctional Institution Big Spring 2008 ? 1065 ? ? SHU 432-466-2300
Federal Correctional Institution Butner Low Security 2008 ? 1263 ? ? SHU 919-575-8000
Federal Correctional Institution Butner Medium I 2008 ? 776 ? ? SHU 919-575-8000
Federal Correctional Institution Butner Medium II 2008 ? 1244 ? ? SHU 919-575-8000
Federal Correctional Institution Danbury 2008 ? 1236 ? ? SHU 203-743-6471
Federal Correctional Institution Dublin ? 1116 ? ? SHU 925-833-7500
Federal Correctional Institution Edgefield 2008 ? 1691 ? ? SHU 803-637-1500
Federal Correctional Institution El Reno 2008 ? 1142 ? ? SHU 405-262-4875
Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
Federal Correctional Institution Englewood 2008 ? 916 ? ? SHU 303-985-1566
Federal Correctional Institution Estill 2008 ? 1147 ? ? SHU 803-625-4607
Federal Correctional Institution Fairton 2008 ? 1373 ? ? SHU 856-453-1177
Federal Correctional Institution Gilmer 2008 ? 1748 ? ? SHU
Federal Correctional Institution Lewisburg 2008 ? 1508 ? ? SHU 570-523-1251
Federal Correctional Institution Lompoc 2008 24c 1395 ? ? Security Housing Unit
Federal Correctional Institution Loretto 2008 ? 1561 ? ? SHU 814-472-4140
Federal Correctional Institution Marianna 2009 ? ? ? ? Control Unit
Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
Federal Correctional Institution McKean 2008 ? 1231 ? ? SHU 814-362-8900
Federal Correctional Institution Morgantown-Gerard 2008 ? 1090 ? ? SHU 304-296-4416
Federal Correctional Institution Otisville 2008 ? ? 771 ? SHU (845) 386-1490
Federal Correctional Institution Seagoville 2008 ? 1880 ? ? SHU 972-287-2911
Federal Correctional Institution Tallahassee 2009 ? 1368 ? ? SHU 850-878-2173
Federal Correctional Institution Waseca 2008 ? 1089 ? ? SHU 507-835-8972
Federal Detention Center Philadelphia 2008 ? 1191 ? ? SHU 215-521-4000
Federal Medical Center - Lexington 1988 16c 1443 ? ? Isolation
Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
Federal Prison Camp Dublin 2008 ? 286 ? ? SHU 925-833-7500
Leavenworth Detention Center 2014 13e 950 1200 1990 Administrative Segregation
U.S. Penitentiary Florence 2008 ? ? ? ? high 719-784-9454
United States Penitentiary Beaumont 2008 ? 1175 ? ? SHU 409-727-8188
United States Penitentiary-Tucson 2008 120c 899 960 ? Security Housing Unit
US Penitentiary Marion 2009 24c ? 900 2008 Communications Management Unit
US Penitentiary Marion 1983 500e 500 500 1983 Control Unit
US Penitentiary MAX 2008 490c 484 490 1994 ADMAX
US Penitentiary Terra Haute 2007 213c 3200 ? 2006 Communications Management Unit
US Penitentiary Terra Haute 2000 50c 1696 ? 1999 Segregated Custody Unit
Facility Year Isolation Population Total Population Capacity Isolation Opened Type of Isolation
US Penitentiary Victorville 2017 300e 1211 ? ? Security Housing Unit

c = counted

e = estimated